Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 9

This week I was mainly focused on my final project. It took me quite a while to go through Ali's comments and it really helped me a lot to have another opinion of what to improve, what to add and what is already well written, so thanks, Ali!

I was happy to write a report like that because it made me realize that using technology in teaching really makes English lessons fun! I had a great experience teaching grammar with ppt presentations and both myself and the children loved it!

Hopefully, I will be able to use a webquest soon to try it out for teaching as well!

This weeks's topics are multiple intelligences and learning styles.

I believe we all have different styles that we like although there is one, two or even more that prevail in us. For that reason it is difficult to teach in a way to cover all of the learnig styles as well as all of the intelligences. At the same time, our teaching usually is a mixture of everything, many times inseparably connected activities according to learning styles and multiple intelligences.
Also, sometimes, as teachers, we are not familiar with all of them, but we only know some and a teacher most usually teaches in a way that is close to him/her which means that he/she uses mostly his/her learning style as he/she is familiar and comfortable with it.

I try to adress different styles as well as multiple intelligences while teaching and for that reason I try to use different kinds of activities for students.

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