Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getting started ...

I cannot believe I am writing a blog!

I've always admired people who write blogs daily, weekly or monthy and in that way share their ideas and thoughts to the world! Now I am one of those ...

I've also admired them for knowing the technology well enough to be able to write one ... Now I am one of those, being able to write a blog because I've learned about blogger. I've never heard of it before! Three cheers for the course!!!

I am looking forward to learning!

"Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn." (Benjamin Franklin)
*Thank you, Lorena, for reminding me about this quote!


  1. Hello!

    It's great to see that I am not the only teacher, who was inspired using this online tools.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi Janja,

    I am absolutely new to blogging just like you. I am so happy to have created my own blog. Hope to sharing a lot with you.

    Sharmila from India

  3. Hello Janja,

    Same here! It's my first time too and I look forward to exploring more and discovering more about this new tool. Thank you for the great quote.

    Ravaka from Madagascar

  4. Hi Janja,

    Yes, it's great to create our own blogs and to have the possibility of doing this course which will teach us a lot.
    Glad you also liked the quote by Ben Franklin, it's one of my favorites.

    Lorena from Argentina

  5. Dear Janja,

    I completely agree with you. I have been reading blogs and praising the authors for having the courage to share their thoughts and ideas. Finally, through this course we all have the chance to be part of the blogging network.

    All the best,

    Krenare from Kosovo

  6. Thank you all for checking out my blog and making comments! ;)

  7. Hello Janja,

    I had the same feeling towards the people who write blogs on the web, and now I can make my own! It is great.

    Abeer Q
